Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Pharmaceutical Democracy in India

Democracy in India

In 3 India Pharma Summit organised at Delhi  by FICCI ,WHO and dept of Pharmaceuticals ,Govt of India I was special invitee .29 November 2011 was the day.

It was pleasing that from one forum at the same time Mr Pakaj Patel ,  CMD ,Zydus Cadila from Industry and Mr Rajan Kohali from FICCI  was  critical to  Government on some policies.

Dr Nata Menabde ,WHO representative to India talked in different tone.She was emphasising every thing for poor down people of all countries specially to south east Asia ,Africa .She was in sarre ( Indian lady dress ) it was appreciated.

Minister Shri S K Jena, Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers ,GoI under whom dept of Pharmaceuticals work. This dept was established in ministry in 2008, put all point of government brilliantly (believe it ) and discussed all points related to Price and production of medicines in India in relation of common man of country  .He argued to concern raised by industry and WHO without reading a paper in his hand. He did his home work excellently.

Ayurveda and Ayuvrvedic medicines got attention of every one when I raised question on basic  reasons of huge difference in global business of  Traditional Chinese medicines and Ayurvedic medicines.

China business is three times more now and it was projected that up to 2020 it will be five times in field of conventional medicines ( read Allopathy ) .But cost of medicines in China is seven times higher than India .

Yes my friends belongs to Ayurveda fraternity I learnt how to put your differences humbly without being red face. When Dr Anita Kotwani, Professor in Pharmacology at Chest Institute, Delhi  quoted result of her survey on price difference of same generic medicines it appears to be embarrassing for industry. But after her Mr  D G Saha,Member Secretary of Pharmaceutical committee of FICCI  argued precisely on every point of her from black marketing of medicines in 1978 to different areas of  till date. But question of difference in price ( some times  in multiplication of 20)   sustained there .

Both Joint Secretaries of Dept of Pharmaceticals ,Mr Devendra Chaudhary and Mr R Vondru was in command of subject and chaired one session each. Chairman of National  Pharmaceutical Price  Authority ,Mr Balachanran was in command in concluding session  and Ms Shanti, Add DGCI was there to help in affairs.

Except minister ( engaged in Parliament disputes )  every one was there from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm and recommendation was made with amicable consciousness among all parties.

We hope some thing better for Ayurvedic medicines too.


  1. Hello Sir,

    Just a Reminder :)

    I have made an video describing that how my mental illness affected physical attributes of my personality & how the combination of Ayurvedic & modern science medicine helped me out in mental as well as physical aspect of my personality ,I have uploaded it on youtube I hope that it can help a lot of people. If possible plz discuss this with mental health professional from every field possible to you.

    Almost twice the no. of people die of suicide as compared to HIV(Source: NIMH USA), also suicide is the leading cause of Death in countries like japan and sout korea among age group of 20 to 40 years.

    If you can spare 13mint of your spare time & some work is done over this lot of people can lead an eventful life.

    Today manufacturing practices followed in Ayurveda in India is very poor especially of the herbominerals, even the top pharma companies Like baidyanth jhansi are not doing the basic such as checking the composition of final product or checking the purity of raw material, one batch acts one way and the other batch acts the other way. This is the video link. This is the link of my writing comparision, my handwriting deteriorated as I was unable to write and how it improved after taking the ayurvedic medicine In this link I have talked that how the combination of the medicine helped me out. in this link I have written about the Ayurvedic medicine, plz read this as on internet the Ayurvedic companies claim that it is itself sufficient to treat mental illness but it is a false claim as I have experienced it, and thats why asking for constructive research. If your organisation is in a buisness of research it can really help out a lot of people.

    Some work is presently being carried out in IIT on Ayurveda in collaboration with Department Of Science & Technology, but GOD knows how long it will take them to prepare one good quality Herbomineral.

    Thanks & Regards

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. e written about the Ayurvedic medicine, plz read this as on internet the Ayurvedic companies claim that it is itself sufficient to treat mental illness but it is a false claim as I have expeHydrocodone
